24.5.2024 Nachwuchspreis der Nachwuchspreis der SAGW

Die Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften verleiht Philipp Krauer und Bernhard C. Schär für ihren Artikel „Welfare for War Veterans: How the Dutch Empire Provided for European Mercenary Families, c. 1850 to 1914“ den SAGW-Nachwuchspreis (Gold). Weitere Informationen gibt es hier:


17.4.2024 Buchvernissage "Swiss Mercenaries in the Dutch East Indies" im Sozialarchiv Zürich

Am 17.4.2024 findet im Sozialarchiv Zürich die Buchvernissage von „Swiss Mercenaries in the Dutch East Indies. A transimperial History of Military Labour, 1848–1914“ statt. Mit Beiträgen von Bernhard C. Schär, Monique Ligtenberg, Philipp Krauer und Hesti Aryani.

10.11.2023 "Junge Wissenschaft"-Preis des Walter-Benjamin-Kollegs

Das interdisziplinäre Walter-Benjamin-Kolleg der Universität Bern verleiht Philipp Krauer den „Junge Wissenschaft“-Preis für seine Forschung zu den Schweizer Söldnern in der niederländischen Kolonialarmee. Weitere Informationen gibt es hier:


6.1-9.1.2022 American Historical Association Conference in New Orleans

Our panel proposal "Merging 'New Military History', Global History, and 'New Imperial History': Perspectives from Asia, c. 1850-1950" has been included in the programme for the AHA Conference 6.1.-9.1.2022 in New Orleans. In addition to the contributions by Reeti Basu (Capturing and Memorizing Bengal: American Soldiers' Visual and Narrative Coping Strategies in WW II India) and Harald Fischer-Tiné ("Harnessing the Power of Youth in the Fighting Forces": The Indian YMCA's Care-Giving Work with Allied Soldiers during the First and Second World Wars), Philipp Krauer shifts the focus to Swiss mercenaries in colonised Indonesia in the 19th century. Kate Imy (University of North Texas) will comment on the contributions and Heather Streets-Salters (Northeastern University) chairs the discussion. For more information, see: https://www.historians.org/ 

21.4.-23.4.2021 Spores of Empire: Exploring the Colonial Foundations of Dutch Society and Culture

Collaborative contribution by Bernhard C. Schär, Monique Ligtenberg and Philipp Krauer to the workshop "Spores of Empire: Exploring the Colonial Foundations of Dutch Society and Culture" at Utrecht University. Organised by Remco Raben and Matthijs Kuipers, with a keynote by Gloria Wekker. Click for more info (here)

4.1.2021 Let's meet at the EuroSEAS!

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We are delighted that our panel proposal Beyond the Netherlands: Histories of Entanglements between Europe and colonial Indonesia, ca. 1850-1940 has been accepted by the organizing committee of EuroSeas 2021. With contributions by Monique Ligtenberg, Prima M. Mulyasari, Philipp Krauer, Nur Ahmad, and Bernhard C. Schär. The conference will be held September 7-10 either online or in Olomouc, Czech Republic. For more information, visit: https://www.euroseas2021.org/

15.12.2020 How a woman from Borneo shaped the founding of Switzerland

The Central Swiss Archipelago.

'Alois Wyrsch from Nidwalden was Switzerland's first parliamentarian of colour. His father Louis put down anti-colonial uprisings in Southeast Asia for the Dutch and edited the Federal Constitution of 1848. And his mother? The story of Ibu Silla, erased from the history of Switzerland's founding, written down as a personal letter.'

Bernhard C. Schär describes in the online magazine die Republik how Ibu Silla from Kalimantan is connected to the founding of the modern Swiss state, and why her story has been marginalised so far.